- there are different kinds of didgeridoos. The most spread are wooden didgeridoos made of various species of wood.Traditionally original didgeridoo is made from various sort of eucalyptus. In new modern world, some other materials which can be used in didgeridoo production - glass didjLight, PVC tubes, ABS plastic, leather didge, bamboo and ceramic didgeridoos...
- way what is generation hole in the wall in tool know didgeridoo timbered cost - mortise, drilling, natural - gaming losses thermit (known originally didgeridoo from eucalyptus wood the Commonwealth of Australia)...
- which to length exist implements various length, by short didgeridoo, thereby high frequency oscillating process pneumatic column reach, they are didgeridoo short to 1 m, standard size up 1m to 1,40 m and long up 1,40 m, extra long pieces up two metre they are otherwise arduous to play, but disburse monumental bass frequency, which "destroy harrow Jericha" J
- according to way decoration and final treatment be able to didgeridoo natural, clearly wroughted, bating, painted, baking, engraved, resp. re-format combination single way...
- wood is hollowed by special drill tools (see picture below)
- didgeridoos in Slovakia usually are made from black elder (Sambucus nigra L.), in Slovak - baza, the wood which Fujara is traditionally made from, basically elder is a shrub, didgeridoo also can be made from maple, ash-tree, acacia, lime-tree, but you need more practise with drilling and be careful, elder has a soft cover in the middle, it is more easy to drill and you also have not a problem to drill crooked limbs...
- common name for Sambucus nigra L.: Black elder, common elder, European elder, pipe tree, bore tree
- Sambucus Nigra: picture1, picture2, picture3, picture4
Fujara - the strangest, biggest and most majestic flute of Europe
Didgeridoo sibling from Flutes family and a great didge companion.
Explore the world of Fujara, learn how to play it, listen to audio samples, view Fujara picture galleries...
Fujara & Didgeridoo combined - The method is simple. Since the Fujara is round 1.7 m long and the wood from which it is made is perfectly suited to sound as Didgeridoo, it will easily justify a perfect didge in itself - Fujaridoo
1- choosing a stalk and cutting
2 - hollowing the fresh wood with drill tools, eventually making the bell
3 - drying for the duration of min. 1- 2 year
4 - stripping the didge during the pocces of drying
5 - after final drying shaping the didge
6 - sealing outside and inside, tuning the didge
7 - design of didgeridoo e.g. with acrylic colours and finishing of outside with acrylic lacquer
8 - applying the oil inside the cavity - linseed oil or colza oil
9 - making the mounthpiece from bee wax
10 - playing ...